
What is it ?

Plurimedia? Crossmedia? Transmedia?

Rich experiences can draw on multiple media to deepen an experience. In experiential marketing, the way they interact with one another categorizes them. We find:

  • The plurimedia that defines the same work declined on several supports (computer, tablet, and so on.)
  • The crossmedia that corresponds to a same universe decomposed in several supports on several media and where the narrative frame is common. They can interact together.
  • The transmedia that is defined when each support brings distinctly by their universe a contribution to a global narrative frame . Each channel can be perceived distinctly.

Fields of crossmedia applications

At 2makesense, we use this approach as part of several projects. In context, this allows to create interactive experiences where each user approaches the experience in his own way and according to his preferences.

As a concrete example, this could be a race of video-projected cars on a table where users would control the vehicles from tablets and where other users could change the scenery and block their progress using other media (real-time physical capture on the table for example).

Augmented reality can usefully also use crossmedia in the context of walkpaths that use tangible elements (marker, images, signage or even the environment for example) and can be associated with digital media (smartphone) to provide a strong and enriched experience.

The same goes for virtual reality, where a crossmedia experience allows a detached user to interact directly with other users in immersion courses.