Giant Tangram

Interactive experience    •    Mapping

The interactive experience invites players to reproduce tangram figures (11 figures) with real, large-scale pieces.

The figure is projected onto the table, and tracked pieces are contextualized when properly placed.

The board game becomes interactive too.

Here a tangram game whose figures are projected on the table. Visitors play together with real pieces to solve puzzles.

The video-projected experience tracks the pieces in real time, following them and validating their position on the shape represented, animates the gameplay and assist the players when they can not solve the tangram.

  • Operator
  • Parc du Futuroscope
  • Industry
  • Theme park, tourism, leisure
  • Services
  • Study, innovation design, artistic direction, engineering
  • Authors
  • Design & Development : François Amri / Benjamin Jaubert